Thursday, March 20, 2008


The Nads and Wahoos both contacted Pigman Publishing today after playing their 10 games. Excellent! Thanks, guys. That's the way it's supposed to work and makes things so much easier for me.

The demerit list has its first two names. The Inmates and Buckeyes failed to report their records after draft weekend. The rule said to report your results within 24 hours of leaving the draft, but I extended that. Not everyone leaves the draft at the same time, so I'm altering the wording of the rule to read the Wednesday after draft weekend for reporting all games played at the draft. Even if you leave the Draft Monday afternoon (like the Snakes did), that gives you plenty of time to email or call.

The first game deadline is still 11 days away (March 31), and 13 of the teams have already played the minimum number of games (20). The Bees and Inmates need to get at least one more game in, and the Tweeners need to get all 20 done. Send him instructions or make some arrangements to get some games in with him.


Anonymous said...

are we supposed to notify you when we send out and receive instructions? i could not hear the official ruling at the draft because the zaps were yapping too damn loud.


Patrick Shannon said...

i wouldn't think that would be necessary unless you are not getting a response from the team you're trying to connect with. by july 4th, you should have either sent/received instructions or made arrangements with everybody about how and when you will play.