Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rule Proposal #2

Regarding consequences for Rule Proposal #1, I propose we assign demerits. For each month you do not have your games played or fail to report your results to the league, you receive 1 demerit. Same thing for each time you fail to send your opponents their results. Fail to get your stats turned in on time and you receive 5 demerits.

The consequences for receiving demerits:
0-2 demerits: no consequence
3 demerits: you are limited to a max of 20 players when you cut down next March
4 demerits: you are limited to a max of 18 players
5 demerits: 16 players
6 demerits: 14 players
7 demerits: 12 players
8 or more demerits: 10 players max

The number of Reserve Spots you own wouldn't affect the ruling. If you have 4 Reserve Spots, you will still have 34 players at the end of the draft, but you will only start with the max you were allowed. Example: if you have 4 Reserve Spots but earned 4 demerits, you start with a max of 18 players and use the draft to get to 34. And no protecting players for anyone.

I also suggest there be three possible choices on this vote:
1. No (for whatever reason)
2. Yes (as is)
3. Yes, but wait until 2009 to implement the consequences


The Chief said...

Yes. Let's adopt this now and have a great season.

Anonymous said...

Demerits or no, we'll still need to have the existing rule(s) enforced. Simply adding a rule will mean the same as always; if you don't play them at the draft and scrape your stats off the laptop, bye bye stats.

The Chief said...

This is true. Enforcing the current rules is needed. But as a newspaper guy (yes, there are still newspapers), deadlines make the world go. Without them, people will constantly put things off.

Anonymous said...

Can we trade the demerits like draft picks and players?

Anonymous said...

journalists are what's left after all the real jobs are taken

of course they need their time managed for them. they're all clinically insane.

Norm said...

Tweeners vote yes (as is). We can even call them demerits, Mr. High School Teacher.