Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well, there you go again... This is getting more ridiculous every year. Here we are in mid-January, the new cards right around the corner, and all of the final stats from the 2007 season haven't been sent in.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I would like to have a yearbook that includes everything from last year. Stats for all the teams, leaders in all the categories, etc. As it stands, if we get one at all, it will not be complete.

Seriously, how hard is it to do your stats? And how hard is it to send computer results to the guy you just played? The Bees still haven't received results from games. The Rhinos and Nads haven't bothered to even return emails about stats. I hate that I have to name names, but this is what it's come to.

Either we care about this or we don't. If we do (and I know I do), then we need to have some sort of consequences for (A) not playing your games in a timely manner, (B) not immediately reporting results to your opponent and the commissioner, and (C) not getting your stats in on time. I know the argument: If a team gets docked draft picks for not getting things done, then they'll get mad and quit. Personally... fuck em. But this isn't my call; it's the league's decision to make. So here's a suggestion for the league to consider:

1. We set deadlines for playing games. Something like:
end of March, at least 20 games played
end of April, 35 games
end of May, 50
end of June, 75
end of July, 100
end of August, 120
end of September, 140
end of October, 162
This is loaded heavy in the summer months, and with as many games as we get done at the draft, shouldn't be too hard to do. All results have to be emailed to Glenn and me by then. Results should include who you played and how you did against them. They will be posted on Big Innings for all to see. There will still be teams with 40-50 more games played than some other team, but that will be because a team is playing fast, not because the other team is lagging behind. And that's okay.

2. Set a time frame for results of mail games or netplay games to be sent to the visitor. Maybe within a week of being played? I don't know why they couldn't be sent right then, but what do I know? Maybe it's more difficult for some than others. Play the games, send the appropriate files, get a reply from the other team that they got them. Easy.

3. Set a date for final stats to be sent to Glenn and Garth. I suggest Thanksgiving weekend. Your season ended by Halloween at the latest, so that gives you plenty of time to accumulate stats and send them in. It also gives Garth plenty of time to put a yearbook together.

Now... as for consequences, I suggest we assign something like demerits. For each month you do not have your games played or fail to report your results to the league, you receive 1 demerit. Same thing for each time you fail to send your opponents their results. Fail to get your stats turned in on time and you receive 5 demerits.

And then have that result in something like this:
0-1 demerits: no consequence
2-3 demerits: you are limited to a max of 20 players when you cut down next March
4 demerits: you are limited to a max of 18 players
5 demerits: 16 players
6 demerits: 14 players
7 demerits: 12 players
8 or more demerits: 10 players max

The number of Reserve Spots you own wouldn't affect the ruling. If you have 4 Reserve Spots, you will still have 34 players at the end of the draft, but you will only start with the max you were allowed. Example: if you have 4 Reserve Spots but earned 4 demerits, you start with a max of 18 players and use the draft to get to 34. And no protecting players for anyone.

This is just a suggestion, but I think something has to be done. One year we're going to have a team showing a record of 9-11 in October, and because we never got an update, we'll discover then that they are now 92-70 and in the playoffs.

Make your comments. Make your alternate suggestions. But dammit, let's get something written down, vote on it, and make it a rule. And none of this "it would go into effect next year" shit. There's no need to put it off. Let's get this done.

Lemme hear ya.


Anonymous said...

I'm in agreement with the pigman on this. I think going to something like this would be good for all.


The Chief said...

i agree totally. Play games. Do stats. It's fun!

The Chief