Saturday, December 02, 2006

Promotional Taglines

Here are some early leaks on new promotional taglines for 2007...

Fungo Baseball! You woulda been better off coming last year!

FFTs! Putting the middle F in FFT for 28 years!

Warpig Baseball! Feel the Magic! Feel the Pork!

Be a Bee! Celebrate Mediocrity!

Drillerball! How did we do last year? No, seriously.

Buckeye Baseball! When you absolutely, positively have nothing else to do.

Zaps! Come out to the ballpark! Or don't.

Spend a night with the Inmates! Come late. Leave early. Get drunk. Throw up.

Rhino Baseball! Where even our fans don't know our record!

Oiler Baseball. Looking for excitement? Come to the ballpark instead!

Wahoo Baseball Nation! Our fan is the greatest in the world!

The Mavs! Slightly Better Than Average!

The Sidewinders: Goddammit! We still believe 2006 is our year!

The 2007 DiamondVision! Fight every natural instinct and come watch us play!

I'm a Tweener. He's a Tweener. Wouldn't you like to be a Tweener, too?

Nad Fever! Scratch it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fungoes liked the Oilers and FFTs promotional tags are the Stuff of dreams! What happened to "FUNGOES - FANS FOR LIFE!" Both of them! lol

I liked the Wahoos tag too.