Saturday, December 16, 2006

2007 Draft Order

1. Nads
2. Killer Bees
3. Wahoos
4. DVs
5. Oilers
6. Zaps
7. Rhinos
8. Drillers
9. Tweeners
10. Inmates
11. Mavs
12. Buckeyes
13. Warpigs
14. Sidewinders
15. FFTs
16. Fungoes

To my knowledge, there have been 8 draft slots traded:
The Buckeye 1st is owned by the Bees
The Warpig 1st is owned by the Wahoos
The Sidewinder 1st is owned by the Zaps
The Buckeye 2nd is owned by the Wahoos
The Buckeye 3rd is owned by the Wahoos
The Warpig 5th is owned by the Wahoos
The Wahoo 8th is owned by the Oilers (by way of the Warpigs)
The Oiler 8th is owned by the Nads

At the moment, every team has 2 taxi spots with these exceptions:
The Buckeyes have no taxi spots remaining
The Tweeners have 3 spots
The Wahoos have 3 spots
The Sidewinders have 3 spots (by virtue of winning the contest)

Email me at for a draft order bracket.

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