Thursday, September 27, 2012

Extra Reserve Contest Update

They're neck and neck! With seven days left in the regular season, the Zaps and Sidewinders are tied for the lead in the Extra Reserve Contest. For those of you scoring along at home, it comes down to this: the Zaps and Snakes have 8 common teams. The difference makers are the Blue Jays and Braves (SSW) vs the Brewers and Diamondbacks (Zaps). The Snakes would win if they tie due to Albert Pujols having already served as the Angels' DH 30 times.

I will try to update the standings daily for this last week of the season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who came up with Albert Pujols turning into half a ball player as the deciding factor in a contest that might determine NASOMA supremacy???!!!